Preserve your favorite things and moments in memory jars

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with special moments and photos/videos of special objects from your life.
Share your jar link with others for them to see and add memories (only if you want to).
Order physical products customized with your memories.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Keepsakes Memory Jar
Keepsakes Sample

Ani is moving! She's excited about the change, but also heartbroken about all the things she'll have to leave behind. Her best friend Oraiya gives her an idea - make a memory jar and fill it with photos of everything that matters to her, which she can't take with her. Ani fills her memory jar with photos and videos of her old stuffed toys, crockery, and even the art she had on her walls. After she moves, she looks back at her memory jar frequently and smiles at the life she once had :)

View Sample Keepsakes Jar

Pro Tip #1: Fill your memory jar with things that matter to you, and clear space in your house! Whether it's a memory jar of all your child's drawings or a jar of old letters and photographs, you can fill as much content as you want and then clear your house guilt free! Or even if you don't throw things out, you would have digitized your collections and can enjoy them on the go!

Pro Tip #2: Most people make these "keepsake jars" as part of their moving cleanses. Invite other people to post memories too, so you'll have a memory jar of all the things and memories that mattered to you from your soon-to-be-former home.

Keepsakes Physical Product Samples
Lumhaa Monogramed Box Jar
Interactive Monogramed Box of Keepsakes
Lumhaa Baby Scrapbook
Baby Keepsakes Scrapbook (memories and objects to be filled)
Lumhaa Hummingbird Memory Jar
Interactive Jar of Keepsakes
Lumhaa 3D Couple Frame
Interactive 3D Frame to Recreate Memories
Lumhaa Buddha Memory Jar
Buddha Memory Jar for Keepsakes
Lumhaa Favorite Things Jar Lid
Keepsakes Replica Memory Jar Lid
Lumhaa Tapioca Bark Jar
Tapioca Bark Memory Jar
Lumhaa Couples' Scrapbook
Couples' Keepsakes Scrapbook (memories and objects to be filled)
Lumhaa 50 Memory Jar
Keepsakes Replica Memory Jar

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