Engage your community with event recaps and updates

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with event recaps, announcements, and updates for your community.
Invite all your building, housing, and gated community members.
Celebrate special occasions with physical products customized with memories.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Housing Society Memory Jar
Housing Society Sample

Colors Housing Society is a close knit community in Tamil Nadu. Made up of 150 residents spread through 3 buildings, the society loves to spend time together. They decide to create a memory jar, where all society members post updates, wishes, and memories - recaps of all holiday celebrations, badminton matches, wedding/graduation/death announcements, birthday wishes, and even interesting recipes to prepare! All society members receive a notification when there is a new post in the memory jar, and enjoy commenting on the posts as well as seeing their society’s calendar of memories. Now everyone who will ever move into Colors will get an authentic look into the living experience and know the love and laughter that occurred through the society :)

View Sample Housing Society Jar
Physical Product Samples for Societies
Lumhaa Mini Frames
Family Mini Acrylic Frame
Lumhaa Decorations
Wall Art and Decor with Jar QR Code
Lumhaa 3D Frame
3D frame of favorite spot at home
Lumhaa 50 Jar
Golden Years Memory Jar
Lumhaa Matching Birthday Tshirts
Matching Tshirts for Occasions
Lumhaa Glass Frame
Glass Frame with Group Photo
Lumhaa Graduation Jar
Memory Jar for Graduations
Lumhaa Wedding Jar
Memory Jar for Weddings
Lumhaa Kids Birthday Jars
Memory Jars for Children
Lumhaa Birthday Balloons
Personalized Balloons for Parties
Lumhaa Canvas Grid
30 canvases for all memories in a jar
Lumhaa Acrylic Statue
Customized Acrylic Caricature Statues
Lumhaa Glass Frame
Glass Frame of Committee Members
Lumhaa Tshirts
Customized Tshirts for Special Occasions
Lumhaa 50 Jar
Memory Jars for Older Residents

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