Preserve your firsts in a memory jar

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with photos, videos, voice notes, and more about your "firsts" in life.
Share your jar link with others (only if you want to).
Order physical products customized with your memories.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to see your memories by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Firsts Memory Jar
Firsts Sample

Maya loves novel experiences - trying new food, visiting new places, meeting new people, and just about anything that can teach her something new. She has a memory jar where she saves all her first and novel experinces - the first time using her laptop, her first night club pass, her first house, and even her first kiss. Maya can't wait to keep adding more firsts and new experiences in her life, and loves sharing her jar of firsts with people who ask about her adventures :)

View Sample Firsts Jar
Physical Product Samples for Firsts
Lumhaa Fav Things Memory Jar
Memory Jar Lid of Firsts
Lumhaa Puzzles
Puzzle of Firsts
Lumhaa Kids Memory Jar
Memory Jar of Firsts for Children
Lumhaa Canvas Grid Frames
Canvas Grid of Firsts
Lumhaa Baby Scrapbook
Scrapbook of Baby's Firsts
Lumhaa Box Memory Jar
Momogrammed Memory Box Jar
Lumhaa Anniversary Mini Frame
Mini Frame of Firsts

Think about your first day of school or college. You probably remember some of it. Now, think about Tuesday last week. You probably remember none of it. That's the power of firsts, and of novel experiences - which, according to Weiking's Happiness Study, make up 23% happy memories we have. So relive your firsts as you save them in your memory jar, and relive them even more when you revisit your memory jar!

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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