Document your travels in memory jars

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with special moments, photos, videos, and sounds from your travels.
Invite other people to see and post memories.
Order physical products customized with your memories.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Travel Memory Jar
Travel Sample

Priya is headed to Europe, and could not be more excited. She decides to document her trip in a memory jar, so she can keep re-experiencing Europe even when she is back home. Whenever she visits a place she finds interesting, she adds a quick memory about it. At the end of her trip, she retraces her whole vacation with her automatic memory map and shares it with her friends and family who missed her very much :)

View Sample Travel Jar

Pro Tip #1: You don't have to make your travel jar alone! If you're traveling in a group, add everyone from the group into the memory jar so they can post and see all memories. No more begging or hunting for photos after trips, since everything will be saved in one secure place forever!

Pro Tip #2: All memory jars are automatically made into maps, so you can literally retrace all your travels. If you decide to make different memory jars for each trip, you can look at your "master map" in the Lumhaa app, which combines maps of all your memory jars!

Travel Physical Product Samples
Lumhaa Travel Mini Acrylic Frame
Mini Travel Acrylic
Lumhaa Travel Memory Jar
Travel Memory Jar
Lumhaa Travel Tshirt
Custom Cartoon Travel Tshirts
Lumhaa World Map
Customized World Travel Map Wall
Lumhaa Landscape Memory Jar
Landscape Memory Jar
Lumhaa Travel Mini Acrylic Group Frames
Mini Group Travel Acrylics
Lumhaa World Map
Customized Acrylic World Map
Lumhaa Group Travel Tshirt
Custom Group Travel Tshirts
Lumhaa Couples Scrapbook
Couples' Travel Scrapbook
Lumhaa Travel Mini Canvases
Customized Mini Canvas Travel Grid

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