Celebrate retirements with memory jars

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with wishes and memories for the person retiring.
Invite other people to post wishes.
Gift physical products customized with the wishes and memories.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Retirement Memory Jar
Retirement Sample

Raj is retiring after 26 years at the company, and his coworkers want to do something special to celebrate his legacy. They consider buying a card and passing it around, but half of their team is always traveling and they don’t think a simple card can convey 26 years of impact. So they decide to set up a memory jar for him instead, and post videos and photos and other memories with him on the link. They also send the memory jar link to Raj’s daughters and clients to collect good luck messages from them as well. When they give Raj the memory jar link and corresponding physical jar filled with memories on his last day at the firm, he’s overwhelmed. He enjoys the memory jar until his very last days on the planet :)

View Sample Retirement Jar
Physical Product Samples for Retirements
Lumhaa Retirement Jar
Memory Jar for Retiree
Lumhaa Glass Frame
Interactive Glass Frame of Retiree
Lumhaa 50 Jar
Memory Jar for Retiree
Lumhaa 3D Frame
3D Frame of Retiree in Office
Lumhaa Tshirts
Customized Cartoon Tshirt of Retiree and Boss
Lumhaa Tapioca Jar
Memory Jar with Handwritten Memories
Lumhaa Lawyer Jar
Memory Jar Lid for Retiring Lawyers
Lumhaa Doctor Jar
Memory Jar Lid for Retiring Doctors
Lumhaa Hummingbird Jar
Flower Retirement Memory Jar
Lumhaa Glass Frame
Glass Frame of Team for Retiree
Lumhaa Memory World Map
World Map with Memories and Wishes
Lumhaa Box Jar
Box Memory Jar with Retiree Initials
Lumhaa Memorial Jar
Floral Memory Jar for Retiree
Lumhaa Buddha Jar
Serene Memory Jar for Retiree
Lumhaa Acrylic Statue
Customized Acrylic Statue of Retiree

Whenever I think about retirement, I always have the same thought - you have climbed the mountain, now enjoy the view. Sometimes retiring means leaving work for that never ending vacation. Sometimes it means giving up responsibilities in a community organization to spend more time with the kids. Sometimes it even means giving up your position on the school football team so your juniors can step up. Regardless of what you’re retiring from, however, there is almost always this sense of a chapter break.

Sort of like okay here’s where my guest appearance in this story ends, now got to let this story get on without me while I write a new chapter for myself. And there’s probably very little that could be more appreciated at that juncture than a memory jar of the impact you left behind. So if you know anyone retiring, invite their colleagues to post goodbye and good luck messages for them. If you’re retiring, make a memory jar for yourself of your favorite experiences (and share them if you’d like). After all, everyone knows that an end is only a beginning in disguise.

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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