Celebrate pregnancies and new babies with memory jars

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with congratulations wishes and memories.
Invite other people to post wishes.
Gift physical products customized with the wishes.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Pregnancy Memory Jar
Pregnancy Sample Jar

Ada and Veer are about to have a baby, so their coworkers and friends want to congratulate them in style. They decide to set up a memory jar for Ada and Veer, and share the jar link with all of Ada and Veer’s friends, family members, and other coworkers. After everyone posts their congratulations wishes, they show the memory jar link to Ada and Veer, who are entirely overwhelmed by it. They save the link to show “Baby Jaan” when they are old enough, and get themselves a physical memory jar with all the wishes from everyone they love around the world :)

View Sample Pregnancy Jar
Pregnancy Physical Product Samples
Lumhaa Baby Pearl Memory Jar
Baby Pearl Memory Jar
Lumhaa Baby Book
Handmade Pregnancy Scrapbook (memories to be filled)
Lumhaa Baby Wall
Canvas Wall with each month of baby (or pregnancy) photos
Lumhaa Clay Jar
Clay Baby Memory Jar
Lumhaa Family Tshirts
Expectant Family Matching Clothes
Lumhaa Baby Jungle Jar
Baby Jungle of Memories Jar
Lumhaa Prompts Memory Jar
Memory Jar with Pregnancy Prompts for Reflection
Lumhaa 3D Frame
3D Frame For Expectant Family
Lumhaa Parchment Memory Jar
Baby Parchment Memory Jar
Lumhaa Baby Beads Memory Jar
Baby Beads Memory Jar
Lumhaa Baby Scrapbook
Handmade Baby Scrapbook (memories to be filled)
Lumhaa Baby Animals Jar
Baby Animals Memory Jar
Lumhaa Baby Jungle Memory Jar
Baby Jungle Memory Jar
Lumhaa Kish Mish Memory Jar
Baby 3D Jar Lid
Lumhaa Pregnancy Scrapbook
Pregnancy Scrapbook (memories to be filled)
Lumhaa Pregnancy Shopping Jar
Moving Pregnant Mom Shopping Memory Jar
Lumhaa Pregnancy Scrapbook
Pregnancy Cutwork Scrapbook (memories to be filled)

Pregnant? Or know someone who is? Well, then a grand adventure is about to begin. While pregnancy is undoubtedly an experience that changes so much forever - mentally, physically, emotionally - it is also a profound experience of inviting a younger generation into our shared history. Our blood, genes, and diets, yes, but also our culture and sense of humor and quirks. Naturally, many people want to document this extraordinary time in their lives. And trust me, we’ve heard of it all.

Memory jars started by friends and family where all of them posted welcome notes for the baby throughout the pregnancy. Memory jars started by the expectant parents where they privately documented every craving, body change, sonogram, and feeling during the pregnancy. And my favorite type of jar? The ones started by family to document the baby’s entire life, right from finding out about the pregnancy. These memory jars can be given to the babies when they turn 18, so they can look at their entire lives through the eyes of people who love them the most.

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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