Inspire yourself with a memory jar

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with special moments, photos, screenshots, and messages that inspire you.
Invite the other person to see and post memories.
Order physical products customized with your memories.

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Lumhaa Sample Inspiration Memory Jar
Inspiration Sample

Kayra loves to find beauty in the world around her. Whether it's a sunset or a sign outside her gym, she saves views that make her feel warm and motivated in her inspiration memory jar. Whenever she's feeling down, she revisits her jar and is instantly reminded of all the beauty and strength in the world around her :)

View Sample Inspiration Jar
Inspiration Physical Product Samples
Lumhaa Inspiration Frame
Inspiring Quotes Acrylic Frame
Lumhaa Hummingbird Memory Jar
Inspiration Memory Jar
Lumhaa Canvas Frame Wall
Inspiring Quotes Mini Canvas Wall
Lumhaa Landscape Memory Jar
Landscape Memory Jar
Lumhaa Glass Frame
Glass Frame
Lumhaa Plain Memory Jar
Jar with Memories
Lumhaa 3D Office Frame
Interactive 3D Frame
Lumhaa Couples Scrapbook
Inspiration Scrapbook
Lumhaa Travel Wall Frame
Travel Wall

There's a lot about our world that can inspire us - just take a walk outdoors and listen for laughter while soaking in the Sun! But sometimes, inspiration strikes from within. You have a world-changing business idea. Or you dream a story that would make a fantastic novel. These lightning moments of inspiration are absolutely worth saving - you never know what they might turn into -- for example, at least two of my novels have come from revisiting internal inspiration jars! So whether you're capturing the beauty around you or the ideas from within, I hope you inspire yourself with your own jar. The world awaits :)

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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