Save the best moments of your year in a memory jar

At the start of each year, make a memory jar. Every day, add one good thing that happened. On New Year's Eve, revisit your jar to see the amazing year you had. Repeat this every year!

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to see your memories by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Lumhaa Sample Diary Memory Jar
Diary Sample

At the start of each year, Ani makes a personal diary memory jar on Lumhaa. Every day, she adds one good thing that happened - a photo of a sunset, a screenshot of a message, a video from her walk, or even a voice note of her friend's laughter. At the end of the year, she revisits her personal diary memory jar and looks back on the amazing year she's had!

View Sample Diary
Physical Product Samples for Diaries
Lumhaa Buddha Jar
Buddha Memory Jar
Lumhaa 3D Frame
Interactive 3D Frame
Lumhaa Puzzles
Puzzle of Favorite Moments
Lumhaa 50 Jar
Personality Memory Jar
Lumhaa Hummingbird Jar
Sculpted Memory Jar
Lumhaa Canvas Grid Frames
Canvas Grid of Favorite Moments
Lumhaa Travel Memory Jar
Memory Jar of Adventures
Lumhaa Scrapbook
Scrapbook of Memories
Lumhaa Box Memory Jar
Momogrammed Memory Box Jar
Lumhaa Anniversary Mini Frame
Special Moment Mini Frame
Lumhaa Pink Tapioca Memory Jar
Pink Tapioca Memory Jar
Lumhaa 3D Office Frame
Interactive 3D Frame
Lumhaa Plain Memory Jar
Memories in Memory Jar

Your diary jar is a place to post whatever you want, without thinking about how it's going to affect your personal brand - this jar is quite literally what you make of it! Some people like to start a new jar every January, fill it with good things that happen through the year, and revisit it on New Year's Eve. Some people prefer to use their jars as emotional highlighters, where they put in moments that leave a mark on them. Some people even use this memory jar as a gratitude journal, where they fill it every day with things they are grateful for... Regardless of how you fill your diary jar, I hope you keep coming back to it. Because when you're looking back at it on New Year's Eve or when you're reminded every morning of what you were doing on that day many years ago, you'll smile. And you'll be glad you came!

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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