Celebrate birthdays with memory jars

Create an online memory jar (folder/album).
Fill it with birthday wishes and memories.
Invite other people to post wishes.
Gift physical products customized with the wishes.

Free, unlimited storage in every memory jar
Add photos, videos, voice notes, text, PDFs, and more
Easily invite others to post wishes by sharing private link
Accessible forever
Multiple languages
No ads or selling data
Private - jar and its contents are only visible to people you share jar link with
Automatic slideshows, videos, maps, and calendars
Order physical products customized with wishes and memories
Birthday Sample

Shri’s 27th birthday is coming up and Naila, Shri’s best friend, really wants to make her birthday special. Naila starts a birthday memory jar for Shri, and sends the jar link to Shri’s family, friends, former professors, and coworkers to post birthday messages for her. Shri will get the memory jar link with everyone’s photos, videos, voice recordings, and text messages at midnight on her birthday. Naila is also sending her a personalized glass jar filled with printouts of all messages at noon! Video and audio messages will be included as QR codes in Shri’s personalized glass jar :)

View Sample Birthday Jar

Pro Tip #1: You don't have to invite other people to post messages if you don't want to - some of the best memory jars we've seen have multiple posts from just one person, like a boyfriend who posted 100 reasons he loved his girlfriend for her birthday or our founder's best friend who posted 25 of their favorite memories together for her 25th birthday!

Pro Tip #2: Lumhaa creates an automatic slideshow of your memory jar, which can be played at your celebration. You can also save and export this slideshow as a video from the Lumhaa app, so no more headache of manually making birthday videos!

Birthday Physical Product Samples
Lumhaa Birthday Canvases
30 canvases for 30th birthday
Lumhaa 50th Birthday Jar
Memory Jar for 50th Birthday
Lumhaa Puzzles
Puzzle of Birthday Person
Lumhaa Milestone Birthday Jar
Memory Jar for Milestone Birthday
Lumhaa Birthday Jar
Memory Jar for Birthday
Lumhaa Birthday Jar
Memory Jar for Birthday
Lumhaa 3D Birthday Frame
3D frame for Birthday
Lumhaa Birthday Tshirts
Customized Cartoon Tshirts for Birthday Girl
Lumhaa Kids Birthday Jars
Birthday Memory Jars for Children
Lumhaa Birthday Balloons
Personalized Balloons for Birthdays
Lumhaa Memory World Map
World Map with Birthday Memories and Wishes
Lumhaa Matching Birthday Tshirts
Matching Tshirts for Birthday Parties
Lumhaa Glass Frame Frame
Glass Frame for Birthday

Remember how we used to celebrate birthdays as children? We’d start planning which sweets to distribute in class two weeks before the day. We’d dress up and make wish lists for gifts and come home to “surprise” birthday parties in rooms filled with everyone we loved. And we’d pass around handmade cards for everyone to squeeze their signatures into the smallest place possible, because how can you not wish someone a happy birthday? Fast forward a few years, and everyone we love is busy with their lives in different places. Your best friend is off holidaying in Switzerland and has no cell coverage, your brother is off planning Kid #2 and sends you a happy birthday text, and the only time you see your parents is on a family video call. Gone are the days when birthdays were celebrated together, with chocolate cake from the roadside store and more laughter than your heart could contain… But it doesn’t have to be like that - not everything about birthdays has to change. Birthdays can still be a time of togetherness and love and laughter. We saw a glimpse of this in COVID, when we were inundated with requests from friends and family members to send birthday video messages for everyone we knew and their aunt’s cousin’s son’s dog.

Collecting these birthday messages and compiling them isn’t easy - trust me, I tried this once for someone I cared about and it took me 6 months to chase everyone down for messages and compile them in a half-decent video. I kept thinking about how there had to be an easier way to collect and compile birthday messages from around the world, and that’s how we came up with Lumhaa’s birthday memory jars. All you have to do is create a birthday memory jar for the birthday person, and share the private jar link with all their loved ones to collect birthday wishes. Everyone you share the link with gets automatic messages requesting their wishes, in which they can post unlimited photos, videos, audio, text, and documents. All messages start collecting automatically on the birthday jar link, which you can save as a video and also customize with many different colors and templates. On the actual birthday, you can share the birthday jar link with the birthday person and they can add comments to all posts, which will go as thank you emails to the people who posted them. You can also turn the digital birthday jar and its wishes into personalized physical jars, frames, tshirts, books, and more at the Lumhaa Shop. Let’s make birthdays special again!

Shriya Sekhsaria, Founder, Lumhaa

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